Wolf Rock Construction

Wolf Rock Wildland Fire

Wolf Rock Construction


We are always looking for great people to add to our team, whether you are a seasoned firefighter or just think you might be interested in giving it a shot we’d like to chat with you!
Minimum qualifications required to be a crew member are S130/S190 I100 L180 (basic firefighter). FEMA I200, FEMA Is700 and the Work Capacity test.

We can train you in house or you can show us certificates and we can get you verified.

Pay is based on Federal Firefighter minimum wage determination which currently as of 1/1/2024 is basic firefighter: $30.04 per hour with $4.80 per hour benefit package. Other positions and more experienced firefighters pay is based on experience.

Wolf Rock FIRE

In 2018 Wolf Rock Wildland Fire was formed and a decision was made to venture into Fire Contracting and we built our first type 6 engine. We are now staffing multiple engines under federal contracts New Hampshire and Montana.

Call (603) 801-9305

Wolf Rock Fire
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